I feel asthough I have completely neglected blogging the past few weeks, however I have had several "to do" lists going at the same time, which are only now starting to get smaller. So what have you missed? My project. Its all about the project.
I have my final design fabric for my chair, which is getting upholstered on May 15th, I'm so excited to see how it looks, if not a little nervous. I shall post some photographs of my work on the weekend as I have the photography studio booked out all of thursday.
I have been doing some mock magazine pages for my portfolio too, concentrating on interior styling and trends. They do take far longer than I had expected, but in the long run it should be well worth it.
Whilst doing research for inspiration for my visualisations and photoshoot I came across a website called locationworks - it is full of amazing locations around the UK, from derelict town houses to uber modern apartments. The images below are my favourite, and directly link with my project theme - in an ideal world I would have my photographs taken in some of these locations, but for now photoshop will have to do.

I shall be back shortly
but for now,