about me

Hello there,

I'm Ruth an interiors, textiles, design and fashion enthusiast. For years I loved nothing more than having a spare hour or two to browse the wonderful world of blogs, with a coffee at the ready and a bit of Regina Spektor in the background it's my favourite way to past the time.

This love/addiction for blogs pushed me into creating A Whislte And A Dream, I wanted a blog to showcase beautiful images which inspire, interest or intrigue me and a little over 16 months later I'm still enjoying blogging as much as I did the first time I posted.

After graduating from NTU where I studied Textile Design I am now developing a career in interior styling, a dream job which I hope will be my future. I am passionate about colour, texture and pattern and how you can bring these together to create beautiful and contemporary interiors.

So now, as a graduate I am blogging about my interest and love of interior styling, hoping to talk about my success along the way.

I hope you'll stop by and follow my journey and enjoy the images which inspire me personally.

Love life.

a whistle and a dream

P.s I also have a tumblr blog which I use purely to showcase my snap shots, I love photography, particularly Polaroids  so over at tumblr I post images only. A picture is worth a thousands words right?!


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